Monero Transactions History Can Be Revealed together with Exposed: Research

Monero Transactions History Can Be Revealed together with Exposed: Research

The privacy-centric cryptocurrency Monero includes unlinkable transactions inward its primary offering, pregnant that a unmarried money cannot convey its entire transaction history revealed. On Friday, a inquiry called that assertion into question.

The research paper, authored past times Andrew Miller, Malte Moser, Kevin Lee together with Arvind Narayanan, details inquiry into how Monero transactions obfuscate their origins. It reveals how Blockchain analysis could potentially Pb to transactions, specially those taking house earlier 2017, beingness linked, showing the transaction history of sure enough coins.

In his reddit comment, Monero developer Riccardo Spagni, aka FluffyPony, says the work is good understood together with 80% of transactions are non traceable.

Meanwhile, Cointelegraph spoke alongside Andrew Miller, assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign together with associate manager for the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies together with Contracts, together with i of the researchers cited inward the Monero link paper, almost the implications of these findings.

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